Get app status and trends for
your key metrics
- directly in Slack
AppTraction's assistant lets you know where to place your effort,
so you can feel confident in your marketing strategy

Daily and Weekly Reports
You'll get reports for your key metrics, and can always ask for the later numbers.

Set and Track Goals
Get help setting and tracking goals, to help you guide your marketing strategy.

How-to and Tips for Growth
Each week you'll get advice or tips for hands-on activities you can do to boost your growth.

Your New Assistant
Of course, it's not really a cat. (We just like cats.) It's a bot that you talk to in Slack.

14-days free trial
Add to Slack for a free trial, letting you try before you buy.
“Many of the things you can count,
don't count.
Many of the things you can't count
really count.”
Albert Einstein
Set goals, and get hands on advice on how to reach them
We help you set goals, then we help you reach them. Your numbers and goals will tell us where you should focus your efforts. You will get tips and advice with your reports, helping you finding the right way to reach your goal.
Spend your time on doing, not reporting. Daily reports on Slack helps you stay on top of your game.
App Assistant $19/mo
Ask about status any time. Get daily and weekly reports on your goals and key metrics, including advice on how to boost your growth. Payment through Stripe. You can stop at any time.

`Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
`That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,'
`I don't much care where--'
`Then it doesn't matter which way you go,'
`--so long as I get somewhere,'
`Oh, you're sure to do that, if you only walk long enough.'
Cheshire cat & Alice

You have three core metrics:
Your ultimate goal is to get users to use your app. Your choices are:
1: Add new users - Inbound traffic
2: Get them to use your app - Conversion rates
3: Keep them actively using your app - Retention rates
We help you measure, track and find the best combination for you to get maximum growth. All through Slack and our Slack assistant (the cat).